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Another major event is the Castro Street Fair in October, although you'll find plenty of gay attractions throughout the year at the bars and clubs listed below:Ī great meeting point during the day, this café is also a hangout before late-night clubbing.

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Visitors interested in gay culture will want to see that, and be present at the San Francisco Gay & Lesbian Film Festival every June, right before the Gay Pride celebrations. The city's GLBT Historical Society is often called 'the queer Smithsonian,' holding the country's largest gay archives and rotating exhibits of queer art. The legality of those weddings was later challenged by California law, but once again San Francisco was placed at the forefront of gay history. It's been so at least since the 1970s, when Castro Street became a lively gay and lesbian center, culminating in 2004, when the city's mayor married over 4000 gay couples at City Hall. But even outside the Castro, this is one of the world's most open-minded and friendliest cities, home to several gay bars and clubs.

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San Francisco is the world's gay Mecca, with the Castro district as the center of the gay world.

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